Monday, August 1, 2011

ADD running

When I started running this past June, I had heard about people who could run and let their mind just, wander. They weren't so focused on the fact they were running, and could put miles behind them without realizing it. I thought these people we either: insane or always going to be better at running than I am. Well, today during my run, I was supposed to walk 2 run 9 minutes do that twice and then wrap it up with walk 2 run 8. I totally screwed it up, and not because I couldn't do it either. I was trying to count the loops I did when I ran my course, so I could calculate how far I was going. Well, I ended up running for almost 14 minutes, because I forgot to look at my stopwatch.


I was needless to say, shocked. This may not seem like a whole lot to you crazy people who run 4-5 miles on easy days (Ill join you soon enough I hope) but lets remember, I started out running only 1 minute at a time, which was in itself a great feat for me.

I was hoping when I started this program I would get bitten by the running bug, I didn't expect to get bitten so soon! Its a huge stress reliever, I feel like my old self again, and it makes me a better wife and mother for sure. My husband knows this, which is why he watches B without complaint. Did I mention I love my husband and he is the bestest?

Well at any rate, I feel it would be best if I at least TRIED to run and walk like I'm supposed to during this week of the program, just so I don't burn out. Hopefully I can stop myself from ADD running until I reach the 30 minute nonstop run.

I see you 30 minute nonstop run, and I'm going to kick your butt when I reach you.


  1. You have seriously inspired me. Tired of feeling sluggish and having this 5 pounds that won't seem to go anywhere, no matter what. I have good reasons for long life :) so I made a decision to get my butt in gear and do something.

    Started a basic stretching/sit-up/push-up program and yesterday went to the track and walked a quick mile. Don't know if I will ever love running so much, but I am going to give it a whirl. No aspirations for marathons, just want to get in the best shape I can and feel better.

    Thanks for the motivation. :)

  2. Thats how it starts! I began with walking and doing small amounts of pushups, and I'm so glad I did. I'm so honored that my stupid blog was motivating, your being inspired helps me stay motivated! Love you girl!
