Thursday, September 22, 2011


Not from running, just blogging. I've never been too consistent making entries into the many blogs I have started, I was hoping this one would be the exception. Heh. Well, I'll keep trying anyway.

Just a quick update, I have started a new training plan, which incorporates speed workouts and distance runs sprinkled with regular length slow runs. I'm into the second week of a 8 week repeatable schedule, and I really like it so far. Yesterday I did a 40 minute "fartlek" run (Swedish for "speed play") and I really enjoyed it! I went farther than I have ever gone with non-stop running, about 4 miles. I like that I have been able to progress at a nice steady rate so far, I hope I can reach my goal of a half marathon by next year, unless I get pregnant between now and then of course. ;-) I'm totally going to run as much as I can when I'm pregnant though, I'm sure  future baby would enjoy the ride! I've noticed that my pace has picked up, being an average of 10/min per mile, which isn't too bad for someone who started running a few months ago. I hope to cut it down to a 9-8.30min/mile pace in the future.

I like how when I finish a goal, I automatically have a new one, it keeps things exciting.

Oh and I signed up for my first 5k race on October 8th.  O_O